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New CCPOA President

Column: California prison guards are dying too young. How Norway (yes, Norway) can help Members of the California Correctional Peace Officers Association visit a prison in Norway. Members of the California Correctional Peace Officers Assn. visited prisons in Norway in September to better understand the Scandinavian model of incarceration... FULL ARTICLE - Source: LA Times

Hard Time: Correctional Officer Suicide Rate Rivals That Of Vietnam VetsFar too often society focuses on the lives of those behind bars, and rarely on those who work inside correctional facilities. Prison is a tough place not only for inmates, but also for those who dedicate their lives to working in correctional facilities. Correctional officers (COs) and other corrections professionals face numerous health risks... FULL ARTICLE - Source: The Huffington Post

For Corrections Officers and Cops, a New Emphasis on Mental HealthThe relentless pressures of prison life on inmates' mental health – gang violence, solitary confinement and arbitrary discipline, among them - have long been subjects for psychological and academic research. But the cumulative impact on corrections officers, including an apparent high rate of suicide, has rarely been studied in depth... FULL ARTICLE - Source: Simone Weichselbaum at The Marshall Project


Prison Workers' PTSD Rivals That of War Vets, Study SaysPrison employees experience Post Traumatic Stress Disorder at a rate that is similar to Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans and higher than police officers, according to a study by researchers at Washington State University and the University of Alabama-Birmingham... FULL ARTICLE - Source:


California prison guards have good reasons to fear death penalty repealAs correctional peace officers working inside California prisons, we take Proposition 62 very personally, because it directly impacts our safety and the safety of the inmates we oversee. Proposition 62 would repeal California’s death penalty law, putting inmates and correctional officers at serious risk. The Sacramento Bee's editorial board supports it... FULL ARTICLE - Source: Chuck Alexander in a Special to the

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